Monday, 19 September 2011

So... Let the learning commence....

I wouldn't be lying if I said I am pretty much bricking it about starting college tomorrow! I AM really excited and I AM so looking forward to really getting to know my camera, composition, lighting, developing my skills sets etc but I have to admit I am nervous.

Just the whole idea of studying again... I'm fast approaching 30 years of age, it's been a while. Don't get me wrong I work in an industry where I constantly have to update my skill sets but I am in an environment I have known for years.... This course is going to actual college...I'm going to be a proper student again.

What will the rest of the class be like, what will the lecturer be like? Will I be crap?! I've invested some substantial money into it, I hope it doesn't disappoint me either!
Have I over-estimated myself skipping level 1 and going straight onto level 2? How talented will my peers be? And as my best friend Justine would probably say "what are you going to wear?"

Silly insecurities aside, I am super excited! I have a feeling over the next few weeks my kit wish list is going to expand somewhat beyond a Kelly Moore camera bag and Canon 430EX flash! Good job I am working hard in my day job so I can save and spend for new toys! It will be good to meet other budding togs too... Maybe even make some new friends along they way.

This is the start of it all isn't it? The leap of faith into a new world, I chance to use my creativity, to seize the day "carp diem".

One Thousand Times Begin
Famous words of my Father in Law, if you want to be good at something, start now and do it a thousand times.

Let's ROCK!


Helena Holland said...

Good luck for tomorrow. I'm sure it will be fine, I was really nervous when I started a course aged 26 and most of my class mates were under 20... however 1 was 40 and another was 45, so that evened the balance a bit.
I'm sure you'll do great and really have fun!

Ron said...

You'll be fine Hannah. I commenced battle with dutch at your age and it was a bit daunting going back to college (and that was 12 hours a week!) but you know, everyone there will have a shared interest. Bet you'll find some great people and plenty of inspiration. Enjoy!

June said...

You will be fine darling. I was in my late 30's when I went full time at college for a year and thoroughly enjoyed it. The class will probably be a mixed age group with mixed abilities. You have already proved you are good at taking photos and are eager to increase your skills. xx

Rose said...

You will love love love it once you are through the door for the first time! I hope you will be blogging in mucho detail as I'm hoping to pick up lots of tips from you now my lovely!

ps... ooh and just think of all the places that do student discount!!!

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