Wednesday, 21 September 2011

College... oooh homework eh!

College last night.... how weird was the feeling as I pulled up in the car park of a huge college building. Stood at reception wondering where the heck to go when the lady in front of me says "judging by the size of your bag, you're in the same class as me"

It was mostly an introduction to the course and lots of looking at past students work. Seemed to be a good mix of people there with different tastes and styles.

I cannot wait to get started on the project that is the two portfolios... this is what we finish with at the end of the course next year. For now our tutor set us a little assignment to get some photographs with an autumnal theme. I got home and could barely sleep, portfolio ideas running through my brain, ideas for my homework and all sorts!

I work full time so will literally have to take my camera everywhere for the homework as we need to take 5-10 images in for next tuesday. I left the house earlier this morning to drop my half pints off at school and stopped and took some shots of some sights I marvel over every morning! I struggled with light this morning, it was so grey and miserable, ended up having to use my 50mm 1.8 lense to get some light in.

I followed that by some self portraits at lunchtime in the first bit of autumnal foliage near my house! It was much better this afternoon with plenty of sunshine. This isn't the final cut for next week but I thought I would share regardless! I am going to do some more at the weekend :)


james said...

Great colours, the window pic looks awesome

jake walker said...

you look like a teenager in the ones of you.
using your stand and timer then...

Hannah Walker said...

I love the red ivy too James!
Jake it's because you have such a cool and youthful mum! X

Rose said...

I love the window one but I'm also very fond of the last 'holey leaf' one! It's probably not as autumnal as the others though.
Shame you can't pop down here to take some shots, the mist in the valleys in the mornings at the moment is pure 'seasons of mist and mellow fruitfulness!'

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